ECJ Helping Charites

We work with a charity organization that is Christian based, our help allows them to provide service to members of the community giving them some peace and tranquility followed by some enjoyment in their lives. 


Each month we donate $1000.00 of a profitability from ECJ to this organization based in El Salvador, our country of origin. 


In May we helped with a Mother’s Day event the charity held for mothers in need, by providing them with gifts baskets with some essential items for their homes giving them and their families some peace of mind. We also provided food and games bringing hope to these families who are fighting for the bare necessity’s day to day.


In June, we helped with a Father’s Day event the charity held for fathers, assuring them that they are not forgotten and their hard work to provide for their families is seen and appreciated. With our help they were able to provide food, gift baskets for the dads with items that are useful to them, and they got to enjoy playing games with their families. Being head of the household is a job that never ends and can often be heavy and overlooked. With our help they were shown compassion and the acknowledgment that the role they play is just as important as a mother's role. 


In the month of June, El Salvador was impacted by heavy rainfall causing widespread flooding and landslides, displacing many families. Our contributions for the month of June were also able to help families that were impacted by the heavy rain, giving them a piece of mind in the middle of chaos.


This charity organization allows us to help families in need and bring joy and excitement. Seeing their smiling faces, grateful to receive things we sometimes take for granted is such an amazing feeling.  This charity is special to us due to the religious background it has in the ECJ organization. We have faith that our lord Jesus has and will never abandon us especially in a time of need. We look forward to continuing to help every opportunity we get.

Click on the link below for a quick video of the event and families we helped.

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